Notepad Online

Warned about flavortext that isn't even flavortext. "No, you CANNOT have TWO gyros so you can dual wield shotguns and murder your own team." by (Moderator) on Fri, June 23rd of 2017 Warned for improper escalation: Gunned down a doctor with an SMG burst for "Injecting me with shit" (Which was a beneficial stabilizer by the way) by (Moderator) on Sun, July 2nd of 2017 Warned for metagaming as queen. When evac was triggered, immediately said (Hivemind, Elite Empress (follow) hisses, 'To CIC'), for no IC reason at all. CIC was empty at the time, and he admitted his mistake and apologized. by (Admin) on Sat, July 22nd of 2017 Spoke to the player briefly regarding a rotated turret that killed a survivor, was unable to really find anything out conclusively and they were quite helpful during my investigations. by (TrialModerator) on Sun, August 20th of 2017 Add Comment
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